There’s more in store for your elementary-aged child than sitting at a desk all day.
Beacon’s Discovery Studio is the education upgrade for families who want their children to become masters of their own destiny and the leaders of tomorrow.
Learn to Learn
Learn, Practice, Reflect, Try Again, Mastery
We focus on the learning process, which allows learners to go much farther in the long run because they’ve developed the skills necessary to learn and master anything they set their minds to.
Learn to Do
People become experts by DOING things—not by hearing about things. Beacon learners become experts in coding, robotics, zoology, entrepreneurship, and much more—because they DO multiple projects in those areas throughout the elementary program.
Learn to Be
The secret sauce to a learner-driven elementary school: Every child wants to be a hero, so we double down on the heroic. “What would a hero do in this situation? Do heroes make mistakes? Would a hero give up? Would a hero sacrifice to help his friend? Would a hero sacrifice to help a stranger?” When the going gets tough, and a young person sees themself as a hero, it’s easier for them to make the hard, right choice.
Learn to Know
Beacon students use Montessori materials and adaptive learning programs to master core skills in reading, writing, and math. We give them a roadmap of skills, and they learn to navigate freedom and responsibility in a supportive studio community.
Come see it for yourself!

“Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.”